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How to get the textarea ID using javascript

Most of the programmers using the comment
element = document.getElementById(id); to get the value or something from the HTML pages.Some times the ID may be changed because of some reasons.At that time we need to get the ID of the HTML element using Javascript and make our coding successfull.
Here I list the coding to get textarea id .

var divEls = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");
var i = 0;

You can also using this type to get the Id of div.For that simply put the div instead of textarea.

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Text area with bold,Italic,etc..

We are all know about Emails.In that we have seen the text area with the options to make our content bold,italic,etc.We can also make the text area like that in our site.
For that what we have to do?
There are lots of plugins available on the internet.I am using the plugin TinyMCEIn that we have almost all of the options to make the text area as richable and user friendly.

How to integrate Tiny MCE to your site?
You can simply
download from the above site and then you can integerate the javascript from tiny mce.

Depending upon your needs there are lots of themes(simple,advanced) are available.

What are the problems I am facing during usage?

During the integeration there are n problems.I simply integerate the script.But when I am going to use I face a small problem.That is my site is fully developed using the ajax concepts.When I am using the editor the first time mail was sent successfully.During the mail send I validate through javascript.When I send the mail at second time it wont be sent.Why?
I got the result of the textarea Id is changed.So when I am validate at second time the error displayed there is no such an ID.Why it was changed?Because the tiny MCE change the text area Id depending upon that use.

How I solved the problem?
I analyzed the Id going to be mce_0,mce_1,etc.So I simply get the id using Javascript (You can read this post for get the ID using javscript )and pass that id during validation.Now the problem is solved simply.

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How to replace the long text with dots

In php we can easily replace the long text with the dots.

Here we use the substr function in PHP.

The below example shows the program for that….

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "" >
&lthtml xmlns="" >
&lthead >
&ltmeta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" / >
&lttitle &gtUntitled Document</title >
</head >

&ltbody >

if(strlen($message) &gt15)
echo $listedword."...";
echo $message;
? >
</body >
</html >

The output is
The first fifteen letters are printed and the remaining with dots…

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Import Contacts From LinkedIn,Yahoo,Gmail,Hotmail,etc..

Hi Friends,
Every webdesigner and the programmer dream is,the site who is developed my theirself to get popular.So everyone try work hard to make SEO friendly and get to make the site going to be popular.For that the Invite friends in the social networking site help them a lot.
Because in the single click the site going to reach almost hundred and hundreds of users.So every social networking sites contain the feature of Invite friends.But as i programmer we cand get all the social networking sites API.Then What can we do?

In my experience the best one is Open Inviter.Through this we can connect almost all of the websites those who are providing Email services or Social Networks.

How can we Integerate OpenInviter?

Step 1:Register the OpenInviter site with your domain name.
Step:2They provide the API key associate with your domain name.Now download the OpenInviter.
Step:3Unzip the file and Upload the OpenInviter to your root directory.
Step:4Run the postinstall.php(Like this:
Step:5It tells you how can your website supporting OpenInviter technologey.
Step:6Delete postinstall.php from the OpenInviter Directory.

Change the messages and other things depend upon your need.It works fine.

You can Download this post as word document.

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Hi friends,
Happy new year to every one.I wish you all the best to every one.This year will give the lights to your life.

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